Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

Tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2 (tugas 3)

Alvyn Laversha I 


No.1 The flights were  cancel by them  because of fog.
          A       BC  D
Answer: B (cancelled) 
Reason: The words cancel should be cancelled because it already happened

1.He got the worse  score in this  class.
      A         B                   C    D
Answer: A (get)
Reason: The word got represents past tense but the score is present tense

1.Daniel said that if he had to do homework tonight, he wouldn’t have been  
          A   B                     C

able to attend the concert.
Answer: (Wouldn’t be)
Reason: The word wouldn’t have been able already represents the meaning of cannot attend, so to simplify it should be wouldn’t be able.

Softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2 (tugas 2)

·         Bardan Santani (12114032)
·         Irvan Idris (15114475)
·         Faruk Albab (14114011)
·         M Faiz H (17114203)
·         I Gusti Agung (1c114801)
·         Alvyn Laversha (10114911)


1.      Dinosaurs are classified as reptiles, although some appear to have been warms-blooded
     A                                     B                                           C                                         D
Answer            : as reptiles
It should be     : as reptile
Reason                        :  because already "dinosaurs"
2.      Every fuel has their own particular temperatureat which it begins to burn.
                      A                       B                                 C         D
Answer            : it begins
It should be     : begin
Reason                        : no need to use S
3.       The hormone insulin controls by the amount of sugar in the blood which 
                                            A                         B                     C
provides energy  for the body.
Answer            : the amount of sugar
It should be     : the amount of sugars
Reason                        : need to use s

4.      Pelican Island in Florida and Oregon Islands in Oregon are wildlife refugees.
            A                 B                         C                                             D
Answer            : c.oregon islands
It should be     : the Oregon islands
Reason                        : the definite article 'the' should not be omitted from the name of a plural island group.

5.      When the island of Surtsey was eighteen months old a first leafy green plant appeared
                 A                B                                                  C                D
Answer            : a. the island 
It should be     : the islands
Reason                        : writing islands always use the letter 's' at the end of the word
6.      Octopuses have not only large brains and also awell developed nervous system.
         A                                                            B          C           D
Answer            : a.octopuses
It should be     : the octopuses
Reason                        : To call something at the beginning of a better sentence begins with the word "the" 
7.      Symptoms of mild vitamin C deficiency may be weaknessirritabilitylosing weight,
                                                                                    A               B                  C
and apathy.
Answer            : d.apathy
It should be     : apathys
Reason                        : must use s
8.      Around 1750, electricity experiments became populartity as entertainment at the court
                              A               B                                 C                    D
of the French King Louis XV.
Answer            : populartity
It should be     : popular
Reason                        : In this case the popular word is better
9.      In 1780, Italian scientist Luigi Galvani mistakenconcluded that frogs’ legs contain
                               A                                   B                                                                  C
Answer            : b. mistaken
It should be     : has made a mistake
Reason                        : better to use "has made a mistake"
10.  Electricity produced by nature is called staticelectricity because it exerts a forceful
                                          A                      B                                                        C
When it is stationary
Answer            : c.forceful
It should be     : forcefull
Reason                        : wrong if its one l
11.  In the 1931 Winter Olympic many competitorswere prevented from to participant
                                                               A                          B                         C
because of the economic depression
Answer            : to participant
It should be     :  participate
Reason                        : better to use “participate”
12.  Mount St.Helens, a volcano   in Washington state     in the United States
                             A                            B                                   C       
erupted in May 18, 1990
Answer            : in Washington state
It should be     :  at Washingoton state
Reason                        : because it states the place

13.  The young emperor chick stands in front of one of   it parents to be protected from
            A                                                     B             C                     D
the cold.
Answer            : c. it
It should be     : their
Reason                        : because the parents are not objects
14.  Soya  beans contain not only vitamins and  also important minerals.
   A                  B                                    C                 D
Answer            : d.important
It should be     : minerals
Reason                        : tno need to wear important
15.  Navajo Indians are far more numerous today as  they were in  the past.
            A                 B                                     C                   D
Answer            : a.navajo indians
It should be     : the Navajo indian
Reason                        : the word must be in the mention of a group

Softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2 (tugas 1)

·         Bardan Santani (12114032)
·         Irvan Idris (15114475)
·         Faruk Albab (14114011)
·         M Faiz H (17114203)
·         I Gusti Agung (1c114801)
·         Alvyn Laversha (10114911)

1.     Human brain are more powerful than those of other species because of their complex
            A                                                                    B                                              C
Answer            : B (of other species)
It should be      : other species           
Reason            : the word “other species” didnt need any conjuctions.

2.     In a person’s lifetime, the brain can store 100 trillion pieces of informations.
                        A                                                           B                     C                      D
Answer:D. Informations
Answer            : (informations)
It should be      : information
Reason            : the word “pieces” already refers to many quantity.

3.     Under the feathers is a layer of fat that  it protects  the penguin from the cold.
            A                                              B          C                     D
Answer            : (it protects)
It should be      : protects
Reason            : the word “layer of fat” already refers to “protects”
4.     Despite of  its isolation in the Sunda Strait   between Java and Sumatra, over 36,000
            A                                   B                                C                     
people died in the tidal waves following the explosion of Krakatoa.
 Answer           : A.(despite of)
It should be      : despite
Reason            : the word “despite” is a preposition.

5.     According experts 60,000  cubic feet of earth was thrown  into the air
            A                                              B                                                          C
in the explosion of  Mount St. Helens.
 Answer           : A (According experts)
It should be      : According to experts
Reason            : the word “according experts” needs a conjunction

6.     The most  of the energy used in our homes and factories is generated from coaloil,
            A                         B                                                                                             C       D
and natural gas.
Answer            : (the energy)
It should be      : energy
Reason            : the sentence didn’t need to have two conjunctions

7.     The new island of Surtsey is its idealnatural laboratory for scientists.
            A                                  B                      C                                               D
Answer            : (its ideal)
It should be      : ideal
Reason            : the sentence didn’t need a Possessive Pronouns

8.     The Sahara Desert in Africa is by far the  most large desert in the world, covering an
                                                            A                       B                                 
 area nearly  as big as the United States.
            C            D
Answer            : (most large)
It should be      :  largest
Reason            : the word “most large” means largest

9.     Computers are machines flexible that can adopt to a wide variety of tasks.
                        A         B                                  C                        D
Answer            : (machine flexible)
It should be      : machine
Reason            : the word “can adopt to a wide variety” already refers to flexible.

10.  Diamonds are graded according to weigh,color, and cut.
            A                                             B          C           D
Answer            : B(weigh)
It should be      : weight
Reason            : weigh=menimbang

Softsklill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (Tugas 4)


A.    CHOOSE THE INCORRECT ANSWER! Give correction and also give the explanation. 

1.     None of the students in this class has finished the exam yet.
     A                             B              C                                 D
Should be: have
Explanation: have lebih tepat

2.     If Jordan had not attended the conference, he never would meet his old friend 
       A                                      B
Monique, whom he had not seen in years. 
                    C                    D
Should be: would never meet

Explanation: would di pakai duluan

3.     No one in our office wants to drive to work any more because of  there are always
A                                                         B                  C
 traffic jams at rush hour.
Should be: because

Explanation: tidak perlu memakai of

4.     The political candidate talked as if she hasalready been elected  to the presidency.
    A                    B                        C               D
            Should be: talk
            Explanation: tak lebih tepat
5.     When an enemy scares a porcupine fish, it enters a hole in a rock and to fill its 
        A                                                 B                           C
stomach with water to make its spines stick out.
Should be: fill
Explanation: tidak perlu “to”

6.     Children’s ears are able to detect a wide variety of pitches than adults.
      A                                     B           C                       D
Should be: wider
Explanation:wider lebih tepat
7.     Fewer babies born with birth detects because ofadvances in prenatal care during this
   A                  B                                       C                                                        D

It should: because
Explanation: tidak perlu “of”

B.    CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER!give explanation.

1.     The Ponderosa pine is ________ of most of the timber used by forest-product firms in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
a.      The source                                                            c. the source which
b.     As source                                                  d. because the source

2.     Computers that once took up entire rooms are now_________ to put on desktops and into wristwatches.
a.      Small enough                                            c. so small
b.     Smaller than                                             d. as small as

3.     Mango trees, _________ densely covered with glossy leaves and bear small fragrant flowers, grow rapidly and can attain heights of up to 90 feet.
a.      Whose                                                       c. are when
b.     Which are                                                 d. which